Wednesday, November 22, 2017

A typical day

My days are fairly redundant. Well, at least in the overall scheme of things. I am lucky enough to be able to work from home -- while doing something that I absolutely love. This also gives me the flexibility to handle the two young boys and the three dogs. 

Once everyone in the house gets off to work or school in the morning, I usually jump head first into work. After a couple of hours, I will take a break so I can get things done around the house. Then, its back to work until the kids get off school. After an enjoyable afternoon of homework, we have a nice dinner and snuggle in with a good book before bed. 

Ok, ok, back to reality. That's a dream. It doesn't really go that way. In my mind, yes. But, let's just say there is always a twist, a turn, and three speedbumps before the kids even get out of school. Let's see, we have one dog -- Anna -- who is scared of anything and everything. This includes the broom, mop, and vacuum. Every time I pull out any one of these items, she scatters. Then she paces and she hides. We also have Elsa who, on a good day, keeps her teeth off of those three tools. Otherwise, she tries to bite them. Little Daisy follows behind her, as if letting her big sister do the dirty work before she jumps in on the action.

And then there is me -- the human in the middle -- trying to do a measly little household chore and I must look a bit nutty jumping to the right, darting to the left, all while swinging a broom in the air.  

Do you know how hard it is to sweep, vacuum, and mop with  2/3 of the dogs in attack mode? Sigh. Sometimes I just laugh out loud to myself (since there isn't anyone here to witness this) because, despite the frustration, its still ridiculously funny. 

Things around the house usually take longer than I ever anticipate that they should, which always throws off my workload. I'm hoping to get a hang of it all -- at least by the time school is out. 

Speaking of school, the kids come home and they automatically know that it is homework time -- immediately. If I give them any sort of break their mind just shuts down and locks out anything educational. Little boys sitting still and doing homework is much like me trying to sweep/mop/vacuum while fighting off dogs. It is hard! They want to run and play and enjoy their day! Oh my gosh -- just like the dogs. 

Dinnertime rolls around and we sit around the table and chat -- and try to convince the kids that they need to eat. By the time we cleanup from dinner, get the kids ready for bed, and can actually have a minute to sit down on the couch and exhale in relief that we made it through another day, a dog comes darting toward us, ball in mouth, ready to play -- with us or the other dogs (to which we then become nothing more to them than floor mats). 

This life is such a learning experience for me these days. It is full of crazy times, some painful times, and a lot of laughs. And lately a mixture of lavender candles and relaxing Soundscapes has brought a sense of peace to our house. Well, it has taken us from a level 63 down to maybe a 40.

Progress, not perfection -- that's what its about. 

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

My life.

My life. I'd check the "it's complicated" box if I could. After all, there aren't many people who truly get why my life is the way it is and why I am more than ok with it. I get lectured, offered advice, and looked at with pity at every turn. Yet, my heart is so full inside. 

Just so you can go ahead and plan your speech or email me your personal advice, I am going to fill you in on the nitty gritty details of who makes up my family. Are you ready? Pay attention -- here it goes:

I am married to the love of my life, Tina -- who came pre-packed in a nice family-ready package with a son named Manny who is now 18 years old and lives at home with us. Then, we have our nephews, 7 years old and 10 years old, in our care and also living in our home. 

We decided to get a puppy -- a Chiweenie (half Chihuahua and half Dachshund) named Daisy. But, we quickly learned that because of the number of people in our household, one little weenie dog was not going to fulfill everyone's need for puppy love. So, we got another -- an American Bulldog puppy named Elsa. Well, she had a rough start at life and so did her sister. We couldn't just leave her sister behind in the filth they were living in -- so we took her too. She is from the same litter and her name is Anna. (ok, ok, so our heart strings are tugged easily -- you are thinking it like its a bad thing).

So there you have it -- we have a house of two adults, a teenager, two little boys, and three female dogs. 

Oh, and I should probably tell you that  Tina and I are both very close with our mothers. They don't live with us - yet - but they do live close by and play a big role in our family dynamic.

The ups and downs and ins and outs of life with all of these people -- all these different personalities, different goals, different approaches to life, and different reactions to life -- can be trying, stressful, frustrating, and even make me want to holler like a screaming goat some days. At the same time, it makes me laugh, fills me with warmth, and shows me to appreciate life in a way I never did. 

The truth is, I wouldn't change my life for anything. 

Welcome to my life of love & chaos.